Secret Tool I Use to Reduce Stress
I hope this post finds everyone well!
Over the past weeks, people (including us) have offered tons of tools &information to help reduce stress, tension & anxiety.
Over the past weeks, people (including us) have offered tons of tools &information to help reduce stress, tension & anxiety.
Stress reducing tools include: exercise, meditation, prayer, counseling etc.
The ONE tool that I have used for a long time slipped my mind and I forgot to mention is listening to Binaural Beats every day for at least 30 minutes.
What are Binaural Beats?
"Binaural beats are an auditory phenomenon in which two tones of slightly different frequencies are played in separate ears simultaneously, usually via headphones. When exposed to both tones at once, the human brain perceives the creation of a new, third tone, whose frequency is equivalent to the difference between the two tones being played.
Some evidence suggests that the tone being perceived can alter brain waves through a process called entrainment, in which brain waves align themselves to an outside beat or frequency. Since different brain wave patterns are associated with certain states of mind, from relaxed to anxious to productive, binaural beats have been theorized to impact mood, focus, and sleep by altering brain waves."
This definition by Psychology Today sounds complicated but binaural beats are a very calming tones that are enjoyable to listen to and produce profound stress reducing results for me.
Here is a link to the beats that I have been listening to daily. Check it out!!
Powerful Healing Miracle Tone: 432 Hz & 528 Hz, Boost Immune System | Repair DNA Binaural Beats
I enjoy listening to beats on my computer or cell phone with headphones. I find it TOTALLY therapeutic and calming.
Proponents of binaural beat therapy suggest that the potential benefits include:
- reduced stress and anxiety
- increased focus, concentration, and motivation
- improved confidence
- better long term memory after exposure to beta pattern frequencies, according to a 2019 study
- deeper meditation
- enhanced psychomotor performance and mood
Here are a few links if you'd like to read more on Binaural Beats:
There are many beat options on YouTube, so be sure to listen to a few to find one you like. I hope you enjoy listening to binaural beats and I really hope you benefit from them as much as I do!
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As Always, Please Stay (or Get and Stay) WELL...& Stay CONNECTED
Dr Jerry, Dr Blaine, Dr Anna & Team
Hofferth Chiropractic Center
826 West Edison
Mishawaka, IN 46545
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