Tips to Finding CALM
We hope this blog post finds you well. Life is changing by the minute. We have certainly entered some very unusual times and it's creating a great level of uncertainty and stress. Please know that we are ALL in this together and we are here for you and we WILL get through this together! We (chiropractors) are essential healthcare provid ers. Hofferth Chiropractic Center will remain open regular business hours during Indiana’s stay at home o rder. If the need arises, please call today for an appointment, we are here to serve you! We will provide you a note stating that you were traveling for an essential healthcare appointment. Below are a few tips on to decrease stress: 1st and forem o st Take care of your body. Practice the Chiropractic lifestyle...Eat, Move, Think & Sleep...WELL! Keep moving . Get outside regularly. Take a walk. Ride your bike. Ta ke a brief media fast . Be very aware of inf...