
Welcome Dr Pat Owens to the HCC Team!

I hope this note finds you and your family well. I have some exciting news to share with you!   Monday, May 4th, Dr. Pat Owens will be joining our team.   Dr Pat is a good friend and will bring many years of clinical experience to our team to better serve our practice members. Dr. Pat & I went to school together at Palmer College in Davenport, IA.  Following his graduation in early 1992, he immediately began practicing in Mishawaka.  He is an excellent clinician and will bring much valuable experience to our team. Dr. Pat will be transitioning his patients to our practice and will be available to see New Patients as well!  In May, Dr. Pat will see patients during our regular office hours.   We are planning on expanding our office hours a bit in June and even more in July to better serve you! Please help us give Dr. Pat a warm welcome to the Hofferth Chiropractic Center Family! In Health, Dr Jerry Ho...

Who do you choose to be during these Challenging Times??

I hope this post finds you well. Time can be an invaluable resource for those who choose to use it wisely.   Being Present and making mindful choices right now is KEY! I think it's fair to assume that all of us have had a minute to pause and think about the world today.  As we continue on, we will have conscious choices to make about how you process this time and who you choose to be as a result of this time. I found this chart to be very interesting and telling.  Take a critical look at the Zones represented here:  Fear, Learning & Growth. I am not formally trained in mental health but I think this chart is a rational emotional transition for most "aware" people.  For many reasons a natural reaction to a pandemic is "fear".  The word itself is scary and throw in "stay at home" orders and "social distancing" and fear is a normal response.  The unknown consequences of a pandemic is frightening.  Many emotions are present in the...

For Stress Relief...Try EARTHING Today!

Happy Sunday (4/5/20)! I hope this post finds you well!  As we begin yet another week of social distancing and a new set of "social rules", I continue to search for tools to share on how to safely and effectively reduce stress & tension in the body.  In previous posts, I have shared several stress reducers and today I want to share a NEW one that I have used for over 20 years.   It's called EARTHING! Earthing  (also known as grounding) refers to contact with the Earth's surface electrons by walking or standing barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems, some of them patented, that transfer the energy from the ground into the body. These are MY FEET...In the grass on Friday afternoon...Relaxing & Calming! Health Benefits of Earthing (Grounding) -Earthing Neutralizes Free Radicals. Free radicals are generated through inflammation, infection, cell damage, trauma, stress, and our tox...

Secret Tool I Use to Reduce Stress

I hope this post finds everyone well! Over the past weeks, people (including us) have offered tons of tools &information to help reduce stress, tension & anxiety. Stress reducing tools include: exercise, meditation, prayer, counseling etc. The ONE tool that I have used for a long time slipped my mind and I forgot to mention is listening to Binaural Beats every day for at least 30 minutes.    What are Binaural Beats? "Binaural beats are an auditory phenomenon in which two tones of slightly different frequencies are played in separate ears simultaneously, usually via headphones. When exposed to both tones at once, the human brain perceives the creation of a new, third tone, whose frequency is equivalent to the difference between the two tones being played. Some evidence suggests that the tone being perceived can alter brain waves through a process called entrainment, in which brain waves align themselves to an outside beat or frequency. Since different...

Tips to Finding CALM

We hope this blog post finds you well. Life is changing by the minute.   We have certainly entered some very unusual times and it's creating a great level of uncertainty and stress.  Please know that we are ALL in this together and we are here for you and we WILL get through this together!   We (chiropractors) are essential healthcare provid ers.  Hofferth Chiropractic Center will remain open regular business hours during Indiana’s stay at home o rder.   If the need arises, please call today for an appointment, we are here to serve you!  We will provide you a note stating that you were traveling for an essential healthcare appointment. Below are a few tips on to decrease stress: 1st and forem o st Take care of your body.   Practice the Chiropractic lifestyle...Eat, Move, Think & Sleep...WELL! Keep moving . Get outside regularly. Take a walk. Ride your bike. Ta ke a brief media fast . Be very aware of inf...

New Stress Reducers @ HCC

Hi Friends, Since my last post, much has changed in the world.  We are entering a brand new territory for everyone.  We hope that this note finds you and your family well. Remember that we are ALL in this together and that we are here for you so please do not hesitate to reach out if the need arises!  As of this note (Monday, 3/23/20), we are going to be open our regular office hours this week.  Please feel free to call and make an appointment! As we ponder how we can best serve you in this unusual time, we are thinking of everything that we can add to help reduce stress and help you cope.  Obviously, we think that chiropractic care and body work are safe and effective tools to help reduce tension and stress.   Two things that we are adding to our menu immediately to assist you during these stressful times: acupuncture As many of you may know, Dr Blaine is also a licensed acupuncturist and is currently available for appointments...

COVID-19 Plan

Dear Friends, Our mission at HCC is to help you achieve and maintain optimal Health & Wellness.   We are committed to maintaining regular business hours and operation. We take pride in the trust you place in HCC. This notice is to inform you of the steps we are taking to protect you and our team at HCC. We’re totally committed to taking necessary steps to keep our office healthy and safe. As you are aware, COVID-19 cases- also known as coronavirus, are spreading in the United States and we'd like to take any preventative measures possible to limit the spread. We'd like to share with you what we are doing to keep our facility clean and healthy and we’d also like to share some ways you may be able to help us.   Steps we’ve implemented in the Office:  -All team members are requested to be extra vigilant to observe and hold each other accountable to our hygiene standard. - We have intensified our cleaning/sanitizing protoco...